martes, 4 de enero de 2011

Learning to learn

Hoy aunque en inglés, os pongo un texto que me parece bastante interesante sobre lo que ya hemos hablado de aprendiendo a aprender...... pertenece a los trabajos publicados por el  Consejo de Europa en el año 2000, y que están muy bien de contenidos y métodos para el trabajo con jóvenes en el ámbito no formal. Espero que lo disfrutéis.

"There are different definitions of learning, related to knowledge and abilities or skills. There is no one best method of learning. Learning might be described as gaining a new awareness about one’s potential; manifested in new knowledge, new capacities, new attitudes, new skills and especially in the combining of all these into what might be called professionalism. Learning is not only an intellectual activity. 
Too often in formal schooling, pupils are taught study methods based only on the use of intellect. Being taught can be considered a passive activity while learning is active. In teaching, the focus is often the teacher, while in learning it is the learner. There is a significant difference. 
Where is the focus in training? Are we like teachers? Peter Vall says that today because we use modern technologies and more comfortable seats, we tend to believe that we do not reproduce the formal school setting learning environment. Where is the difference between a formal education setting and the one we propose? 
In non-formal education, the term learning is preferred to teaching. Personal learning and learning how to learn become then the focus of self-development. The environment and other people are extremely important in learning as they form the context and bring extra meaning to the learner. In today’s society intellectual capital has replaced the more traditional meaning of capital needed for success in business or in life. 
Learning to learn is based on the recognition that there are different ways of learning involving the whole person including elements of intellect, emotions, body and thinking abilities."

Espero que estés de acuerdo con el texto. 

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